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Lorem Ipsum is sim­ply dum­my text of the prin­ting and typeset­ting indus­try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s stan­dard dum­my text ever sin­ce the 1500s, when an unknown prin­ter took a gal­ley of type and scram­bled it to make a type spe­ci­men book. It has sur­vi­ved not only five cen­tu­ries, but also the leap into elec­tro­nic typeset­ting, remai­ning essen­ti­al­ly unch­an­ged. It was popu­la­ri­sed in the 1960s with the release of Letra­set she­ets con­tai­ning Lorem Ipsum pas­sa­ges, and more recent­ly with desk­top publi­shing soft­ware like Aldus Page­Ma­ker inclu­ding ver­si­ons of Lorem Ipsum.

It is a long estab­lis­hed fact that a rea­der will be dis­trac­ted by the read­a­ble con­tent of a page when loo­king at its lay­out. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less nor­mal dis­tri­bu­ti­on of let­ters, as oppo­sed to using ‚Con­tent here, con­tent here‘, making it look like read­a­ble Eng­lish. Many desk­top publi­shing packa­ges and web page edi­tors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‚lorem ipsum‘ will unco­ver many web sites still in their infan­cy. Various ver­si­ons have evol­ved over the years, some­ti­mes by acci­dent, some­ti­mes on pur­po­se (injec­ted humour and the like).

Lorem Ipsum is sim­ply dum­my text of the prin­ting and typeset­ting indus­try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s stan­dard dum­my text ever sin­ce the 1500s, when an unknown prin­ter took a gal­ley of type and scram­bled it to make a type spe­ci­men book. Con­tra­ry to popu­lar belief, Lorem Ipsum is not sim­ply ran­dom text.

It has roots in a pie­ce of clas­si­cal Latin lite­ra­tu­re from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClin­tock, a Latin pro­fes­sor at Hamp­den-Syd­ney Col­le­ge in Vir­gi­nia, loo­ked up one of the more obscu­re Latin words, con­sec­te­tur, from a Lorem Ipsum pas­sa­ge, and going through the cites of the word in clas­si­cal lite­ra­tu­re, dis­co­ve­r­ed the undoub­ta­ble source.

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit

Lorem Ipsum comes from sec­tions 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of „de Fini­bus Bono­rum et Malo­rum“ (The Extre­mes of Good and Evil) by Cice­ro, writ­ten in 45 BC. This book is a trea­tise on the theo­ry of ethics, very popu­lar during the Renais­sance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, „Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..“, comes from a line in sec­tion 1.10.32.

The­re are many varia­ti­ons of pas­sa­ges of Lorem Ipsum avail­ab­le, but the majo­ri­ty have suf­fe­red alte­ra­ti­on in some form, by injec­ted humour, or ran­do­mi­sed words which don’t look even slight­ly believ­a­ble. If you are going to use a pas­sa­ge of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure the­re isn’t anything embarr­as­sing hid­den in the midd­le of text. All the Lorem Ipsum gene­ra­tors on the Inter­net tend to repeat pre­de­fi­ned chunks as necessa­ry, making this the first true gene­ra­tor on the Inter­net. It uses a dic­tion­a­ry of over 200 Latin words, com­bi­ned with a hand­ful of model sen­tence struc­tures, to gene­ra­te Lorem Ipsum which loo­ks rea­son­ab­le. The gene­ra­ted Lorem Ipsum is the­re­fo­re always free from repe­ti­ti­on, or non-cha­rac­te­ris­tic words.

By |2015-07-02T16:09:02+00:00Juli 2nd, 2015|Financial, International, Taxes|0 Comments

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